Profile of Pastor Everine Hazell
Pastor Everine Hazell was born on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. She is the daughter of Pastor Wilfred and Nancy Turnbull. She has a Master
of Arts Degree in Education: Administration and Counseling, from the University of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas; a Bachelor of Arts degree with concentrations in Social Work and Criminal Justice from the Christian-based Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana, and a graduate of Victory Bible Institute, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Pastor Hazell is a mighty woman of God with a prophetic anointing, psalmist, counselor, teacher, conference speaker and host of several women’s conferences at Global Life Church. She has held many leadership positions, such as youth director, music coordinator, praise and worship leader, choir director, and Sunday school teacher.
She is the founder of the dynamic glory-filled Women’s Happy Hour of Power. This ministry was birthed out of the concept that women in the world would seek a “happy hour” to drown out problems and hurts; however, the application of prayer brings power to change impossibilities and unrealistic situations.
The women come together from other churches and congregations to pray for the community, families, world issues, churches, ministries, deliverance, impartation and encouragement. There are weekly exhortations, special guest speakers, counseling, psalmists, prophetic words and songs, and monthly fellowship. The “hour” of power meetings extend into the night, and at times in the parking lot, with women unable to leave under their own power. The occurrence of testimonies of healing, miracles, and changes at home and the work environment is commonplace.
Pastor Hazell is married to Oral F. Hazell, the founder and senior pastor of Global Life Church, and they have a beautiful daughter, Nia.