Ryan Wyatt "The Fullness of God Belongs to You!" 05 06 10pm from Ignited Church on Vimeo.
Ryan Wyatt is the Founder and Apostolic Team Leader of Abiding Glory Ministries, which incorporates the Abiding Glory International Ministry Base and The Habitation (their local church), both headquartered in Knoxville, TN.
The burning passion of Ryan’s heart is to help prepare and equip an end-time Army of Believers who will be raised up to establish and advance the Kingdom of God. Ryan releases the glory and power of God everywhere he goes through a strong prophetic and miracle-healing anointing with many instantly healed and delivered in his meetings. He has a unique and inspiring prophetic teaching gift and a calling to train believers how to live in intimacy and union with the Lord, live in the supernatural realms of God and manifest the healing power of God in day-to-day life.